Active Power Max Active Detartrant.Produced based on phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid, intended for removing limestone deposits, as well as for removing rust stains from floors, walls and other acid-resistant surfaces.Recommended for all surfaces resistant to water and acids, such as: swimming pools, sanitary fields, pavements and walls made of tiles, tile, terracotta, granite, quartz, toilet pots.Apply in thin layer and evenly on the cleaning surface.Allow to act for a few minutes, gently rub with a wet cloth or abrasive sponge, then rinse with plenty of water.An intensive foaming after application indicates the dissolution of limestone.Dosage. Decay: 1L – 2.5L to 8L of cold water.Foaming cleaning: in dilution of 1:4 to 1:10.Product not intended for domestic applications in accordance with EC/44/1999, Art. 1.Available in the 5-litre stackable canister.
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