Medical spaces always require disinfection, as nosocomial infections can occur anytime and anywhere. That is why specialists recommend the use of safe, high-quality products. In this context, we present a concentrated solution with detergent and disinfectant properties. This solution does not contain aldehydes and has a broad spectrum of biocidal action, created according to the regulations of European standards. Our product also ensures a rapid dissolution of protein residues.  Concentrated disinfectant detergent is a complex product, which can be used for the disinfection of surfaces, instruments and microaeroflora.  How to use: Dilute to 2%, i.e. 20 ml of product, over which add water up to 1 liter to obtain the working solution.  Surfaces: To disinfect surfaces, wipe the infected surface with a cloth dipped in disinfectant solution or spray the disinfectant solution with a pressure pump over the contaminated surface and then wipe with a damp cloth. Instruments: For the disinfection of medical instruments, the instruments are immersed in the solution and after the recommended action time, they are washed with sterile water. Microaeroflora: For the disinfection of surfaces by air, the disinfectant solution by spray or nebulization (cold fog) is applied in epidemiological outbreaks before the establishment of cleaning or cleaning measures.  Active substances: Hexamethylenebiguanide, quaternary ammonium compounds, polymer, didecyldimethylammonium chloride.  Type of biocidal product according to the legislation in force (EU Regulation no. 528/2012):  Main group 1: Disinfectants and biocidal products Product type: 2 â Disinfectant for surfaces, instruments and aeromicroflora with application by wiping, immersion, spraying or nebulization (cold mist) in the medical, industrial, institutional, collectivity, domestic fields.  User category: professionals  Warnings: This product is intended for professional use and will be used by qualified personnel, with knowledge of the safety regulations in the field. Is it recommended to store in closed, clean, well-ventilated spaces, with temperatures between + 5 ? C to + 30?C. Each delivery batch will be accompanied by the quality certification document drawn up according to the legal provisions in force, respectively the declaration of conformity drawn up on the basis of the technical sheets, the analysis bulletins and the sanitary opinion. MINIMUM BOX QUANTITY of 1 piece
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